Support A Cause for Peace, Humanity, Women, The Environment
Participate in making the world a better place by helping your fellow man and the Earth! You can make a difference, even right from your arm-chair:
Random Peace Gems |
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
~ Helen Keller ~
Support A Peace Cause
- Peace Sites of Interest
Below is a list or organisations who need your help. By simply clicking on a link that grabs your interest, you can sign a petition or donate. Even if you take no action, if you just even browse through these websites, you can start to become aware that for most people in the world, it is not the cosy comfy existence that the few of us seem to enjoy. In this day and age, it SHOULD NOT BE! And it need not be, if each of us did something -, even a little something, to help another human being or to help with environmental issues! Let's make a difference.
Scroll down below to find peace causes and interesting sites relating to creating inner & global peace.
If you know of any other worthwhile causes that could be added here, feel free to email me with your suggestions.
You cannot do a kindness too soon,
because you never know how soon
it will be too late.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Help Protect The Last Remaining Virgin Rainforest in the Philippines
Due to extensive long-term logging, the tribal forest people in Mindanao are at imminent risk of losing their home (the forest), their livelivhoods, as well as several endangered species which are sacred to the tribes. Unahi has established a Buffer Zone Project, a Tribal Training Center and teaches students and the people sustainable forest farming. You can help with donations, purchasing their cd, "Once In A Million Years", or by lobbying government.
Visit the Unahi website ( for more detailed information. |
On July 16, 2002, the Bush administration granted the Navy a permit to harm whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals while using its Low Frequency Active sonar system in as much as 75 percent of the world's oceans. The high-powered submarine detection system will operate at noise levels billions of times more intense than those known to disturb the migration and communication of large whales. Read more about it and how you can help...
~ Books For Soldiers
A soldier support site that ships books, DVDs and supplies (care packages) to deployed soliders and soldiers in VA hospitals. If you have old, but usuable paperback books sitting around, collecting dust, why not send them to a solider for a big morale boost? |
~ Relief Care Kits For Iraqi Children
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization providing care kits and funding to assist children and families in Iraq devasted by the effects of the war. |
Global Renaissance Alliance
Lobby Washington to create a US Department of Peace!
We are devoted to the creation of a new political consciousness, based upon the nonviolent principles articulated by Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. In the spirit of building more deeply nonviolent social and political structures, we invite you join with us as we participate in a concerted, strategic grass-roots effort to support proposed legislation to establish a Cabinet-level Department of Peace (HR 1673) within the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government. Please join us in support of this historic legislation. Click here
The Vision : Imagine... (mouseover link to see) |

Amnesty International has a wide range of causes that you can become involved in. See what's really happening out there in this world. Click on the banner above and show your compassion to your fellow human beings by supporting Amnesty in one or more of their various causes. |
Read the book - Love and Death in the Valley
A contemporary David and Goliath tale that will inspire and challenge the reader. It is the personal story of Reverend Kevin Annett, the minister who single- handedly exposed the murder and genocide of aboriginal people by the government of Canada and his employer, the United Church of Canada. This book is his own gripping and passionate account of his heroic efforts against insurmountable odds to document hidden crimes among west coast native people after he began a ministry among them in Port Alberni, British Columbia in 1992.
Sites of Interest on a Personal or Global Level |
When the power of love
overcomes the love of power
the world will know peace.
Jimi Hendrix
Be The Cause
A portal for progress, housing all progressive organizations around the world. We are a movement dedicated to fostering progressive change. Our three-fold mission is:
"Progress Together"; "Inspire Change"; "In Service"
Be The Cause is not just a network of progressive organizations and individuals. It is a network empowered. We will not just discuss ways to work together, we will work together. We will organize and partake in numerous projects, each with the goal of building inspiration in the lives of everyone we touch. Our long-term vision is to continue to support humanitarian projects around the world, to continue to build the network of progress, and to continue to build inspiration everywhere.
Understanding The US-Iraq Crisis - An Article by Phyllis Bennis, The Institute For Policy Studies
Answers 43 basic questions about the current march to war, the history of U.S.-Iraq relations, and alternatives to the current policy.
Ecovolunteer Program - "Travel For Nature"
Support local organizations with their conservation projects and travel at the same time. A unique holiday experience.
