Self-Empowerment Courses, Workshops
Online courses and workshops to assist you with self empowerment and personal growth.
You Can Create an Exceptional Life - Online Course
by Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson
Available format: On-demand 3-Lesson Download
isbn: - |
Synopsis »
Join Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson as they share their expert insight into how YOU can create an exceptional life!
There is a Universal energy that creates us; sustains us; connects us to one another; and works in cooperation with our thoughts, words, and actions to generate our life experiences.
When you recognize and learn to work in partnership with this benevolent power, you become the master of your own destiny.
The formula is simple: Think thoughts that make you feel good, make choices that make you feel good, and take actions that make you feel good. Then surrender the outcome, trusting that Life will bring you what you need to grow and be happy.
This simple formula has radically improved the quality of both Louise and Cheryl’s lives, and it can improve yours, too. When you use it and learn to trust it, life unfolds in the most miraculous ways. You’ll be presented with extraordinary opportunities to make your life whole and to make a difference in the world.
In this unprecedented three-lesson online course, Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson show you exactly how to use this formula in your own life. In particular, you’ll learn:
• How to infuse each day with positive intentions and pleasure.
• Little-known tools for creating new, life-enhancing mental habits.
• Powerful techniques for living with the kind of attitude that generates more and more positive experiences.
• Ways to make peace with your body once and for all so you can fall in love with YOU.
• How to put yourself in the state of mind that encourages Life to bring you more of what you need to stay healthy and strong.
• And much, much more!
YOU really can create an EXCEPTIONAL life! Don’t miss this opportunity to join these two pioneers for this uplifting one-of-a-kind online course! |
Ecstasy is Necessary: A Practical Guide
by Barbara Carrellas
format: Paperback
isbn: 978-1-4019-2847-6
Synopsis »
This is not your average tips-and-techniques sex book; rather it is an exploratory journey of the sexual self and the infinite possibilities of ecstatic expression. In Ecstasy is Necessary, Carrellas teaches readers how to discover, nurture, expand, and embrace their authentic, ever-evolving, sensual, sexual self.
Everyone goes through different phases of sexual expression and desire. There are an infinite number of erotic and ecstatic possibilities available at all points along the way. The insights readers will gain in their journey with Carrellas will help them confidently approach sex and relationships in a way that works for them no matter where they are in their sexual evolution. They will get tools for solving the inevitable challenges that arise. They'll even receive permission not to have sex at all, if that's what's right for them, because it is possible to create ecstatic experiences even when sex itself is not possible, available, or appropriate.
Using stories and simple exercises, Carrellas helps readers understand how they are wired for sex and relationships, what their personal warning signs look like, and what they need for optimum care. Plus, they'll learn how to effectively communicate this information to others so that they can be loved more easily and effectively.
As readers discover their authentic sexual selves, they will learn how to create the conditions that allow more and more of their experiences and relationships to be opportunities for-and invitations to-ecstasy.
The Biology of Belief: The Science of How You Create Your Life - on-demand Lecture
by Bruce Lipton
format: On Demand Stream or Download
isbn: - |
Synopsis »
A child walks across hot coals. A woman lifts a car to save her trapped child. Congregants of the Free Pentacostal Holiness Church drink toxic doses of strychnine during exultation without harmful effects. We can walk on fire, drink poison, and lift a thousand pounds. Yet, we have fallen victim to the myth that we are vulnerable and frail organisms whose limitations are programmed in the genes.
A renaissance in cellular biology has recently revealed the molecular mechanisms bridging the mind-body connection. Once thought to be in the domain of the genes, the control of health and behavior are now dynamically linked to the environment, and more importantly, our perception of the environment.
In this transformational On Demand Lecture, noted lecturer and cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton takes you on a fast-paced journey from the microcosm of the cell to the macrocosm of the mind. Based on his bestselling book, The Biology of Belief, Bruce shares a solid scientific foundation for the “Power of Positive Thinking” and “The Laws of Attraction.” Discover how childhood programming and your “learned” perceptions control your behavior, regulate gene expression, and even contribute to the rewriting of your genetic code. More importantly, Bruce helps you understand why and how you may unconsciously sabotage your deepest desires for health, happiness, and prosperity.
Ultimately, Bruce will inspire your spirit, engage your mind, and challenge your creativity, as you comprehend the enormous potential for applying these profound scientific revelations in your life and in your profession.
The Art of Allowing - On Demand Lecture
by Esther and Jerry Hicks
format: On Demand Stream or Download
isbn: - |
Synopsis »
The cybersphere has opened to Abraham! We invite you to attend an Abraham-Hicks “Art of Allowing” workshop with Esther and Jerry Hicks and the non-physical teachers called Abraham. Abraham (speaking to our level of comprehension through Esther Hicks) will teach you about the omnipresent Laws that govern this Universe and how you can use them to deliberately create all of your experiences. These include the Law of Attraction, the Law of Allowing, and many others.
The knowledge that you'll absorb from hearing Abraham's wisdom will take all the guesswork out of daily living. You'll finally understand just about everything that's happening in your own life, as well as the lives of those you're interacting with; and you will find out how you can joyously be, do, or have anything that you desire!
The full two hours of this On Demand Lecture will be devoted to answering questions from callers from all corners of the world. You’ll learn and grow through hearing Abraham’s insights into our audience’s real-life issues.
The Art of Extreme Self-Care - On Demand Course
by Cheryl Richardson
format: On Demand Download
isbn: - |
Synopsis »
Are you ready to join renowned life coach and best-selling author Cheryl Richardson for 12 On Demand Lesson Downloads of Extreme Self-Care? To find out, notice how many “yes” answers you have to the following statements:
__ I carry a lot of resentment, feeling angry with others who don’t meet my needs.
__ I expect people to read my mind and know what I need or want.
__ I often feel like a martyr who lives my life for everyone else.
__ I have many one-sided relationships where people take more than they give.
__ Sex feels like one more task on an already long “to-do” list.
__ I break too many promises to myself.
__ I have trouble getting others to share in the work load at home.
__I give to others in an effort to feel needed, important, or worthy.
__It’s rare for me to relax or to enjoy things that are fun.
__ I tend to settle for crumbs, yet I’m desperate for a whole meal.
__When I’m overwhelmed, tired, or stressed, I rarely think to ask for help.
__I secretly long to be acknowledged for all the helpful things I do.
__People who act “entitled” make me cringe; I’m never like that.
__ I sometimes feel foolish about the ways in which I’ve put the needs of others before my own.
__Because it’s not worth the hassle, I don’t bother to ask for help.
__I hate disappointing people.
If you feel uncomfortable or find yourself smiling at the number of “yes” answers, it might be time to create a radical shift in how you care for yourself this year. It’s time to practice Extreme Self-Care with Cheryl.
Extreme Self-Care generally involves:
• Living and working in a soul-nurturing environment.
• Developing a greater appreciation for, and connection with, nature.
• Doing work that provides an opportunity to express your greatest gifts and talents.
• Caring for your emotional, physical, and spiritual health in a way that’s aligned with who you are and what you most need.
• Surrounding yourself with people who are smart, self-aware, and only interested in two-way relationships.
• Taking bold steps to do things like eliminate clutter from your life, for good; or getting your financial act together so that you always have choices about how to live your life.
• Not making any commitments whatsoever out of guilt or obligation.
Bringing Extreme Self-Care into your life takes commitment, support, and practice. During this 12-lesson On Demand Course, Cheryl helps you develop your self-care muscles by giving you a specific way to practice each lesson. Following her new book, The Art of Extreme Self-Care, Cheryl guides you through 12 empowering lessons that are sure to help you take the steps you need to live a more fulfilling, enjoyable, and rich life.
Reset Your Body and Mind! A 21-Day Whole Life Detox: Incredible Healing-Inside and Out! - 3-Lesson Series
by Donna Gates
format:On Demand Stream or Download
isbn: - |
Synopsis »
Do you feel like you are constantly confronting obstacles to the dreams you want to manifest? Are you clearly able to see the life and health you want to achieve, putting in the time and effort on powerful affirmations, visualizations, and spiritual work, but frustrated with your progress?
Toxins are holding you back!
From great Hay House teachers and modern science, we know that it is not only important to focus on what we want—whether it be radiant health, weight loss, beautiful skin, joy, or abundance—but we also have to be able to make the shift on the cellular level—changing every cell in our body and brain in order to manifest those goals.
Truth is, your physical body is a chemical producing machine that shapes the way you look, feel, think, and behave. You can’t think greater than you feel because your body is incapable of creating the proper brain chemicals to create those good feeling states. And how you feel influences the body’s ability to heal and regenerate, lose weight, experience happiness, and reach states of higher consciousness.
You need a serious program and most modern cleanses are flawed. They don’t address the way our bodies are naturally built to detox. They also only focus on the physical body, overlooking the fact that for deep lasting transformation, we must also cleanseemotionally and spiritually. Internal toxins and external toxic people and situations need to be addressed simultaneously for the deep, lasting transformation.
Join international bestselling author Donna Gates on an effective 21 Day detox—eliminating the toxins from your body and your life.
Are you ready for a happier, healthier YOU?
Watch how easy it will be to truly manifest with your positive thoughts and watch your willpower soar as Donna Gates guides you step by step through the detox process—daily assignments will include changes to your diet that will gradually cleanse the body safely and effectively as well as techniques to cleanse your environment and your lifestyle.
Do you feel like you are constantly confronting obstacles to the dreams you want to manifest? Are you clearly able to see the life and health you want to achieve, putting in the time and effort on powerful affirmations, visualizations, and spiritual work, but frustrated with your progress?
Toxins are holding you back!
From great Hay House teachers and modern science, we know that it is not only important to focus on what we want—whether it be radiant health, weight loss, beautiful skin, joy, or abundance—but we also have to be able to make the shift on the cellular level—changing every cell in our body and brain in order to manifest those goals.
Truth is, your physical body is a chemical producing machine that shapes the way you look, feel, think, and behave. You can’t think greater than you feel because your body is incapable of creating the proper brain chemicals to create those good feeling states. And how you feel influences the body’s ability to heal and regenerate, lose weight, experience happiness, and reach states of higher consciousness.
You need a serious program and most modern cleanses are flawed. They don’t address the way our bodies are naturally built to detox. They also only focus on the physical body, overlooking the fact that for deep lasting transformation, we must also cleanseemotionally and spiritually. Internal toxins and external toxic people and situations need to be addressed simultaneously for the deep, lasting transformation.
Join international bestselling author Donna Gates on an effective 21 Day detox—eliminating the toxins from your body and your life.
Do you feel like you are constantly confronting obstacles to the dreams you want to manifest? Are you clearly able to see the life and health you want to achieve, putting in the time and effort on powerful affirmations, visualizations, and spiritual work, but frustrated with your progress?
Toxins are holding you back!
From great Hay House teachers and modern science, we know that it is not only important to focus on what we want—whether it be radiant health, weight loss, beautiful skin, joy, or abundance—but we also have to be able to make the shift on the cellular level—changing every cell in our body and brain in order to manifest those goals.
Truth is, your physical body is a chemical producing machine that shapes the way you look, feel, think, and behave. You can’t think greater than you feel because your body is incapable of creating the proper brain chemicals to create those good feeling states. And how you feel influences the body’s ability to heal and regenerate, lose weight, experience happiness, and reach states of higher consciousness.
You need a serious program and most modern cleanses are flawed. They don’t address the way our bodies are naturally built to detox. They also only focus on the physical body, overlooking the fact that for deep lasting transformation, we must also cleanseemotionally and spiritually. Internal toxins and external toxic people and situations need to be addressed simultaneously for the deep, lasting transformation.
Join international bestselling author Donna Gates on an effective 21 Day detox—eliminating the toxins from your body and your life.
Are you ready for a happier, healthier YOU?
Watch how easy it will be to truly manifest with your positive thoughts and watch your willpower soar as Donna Gates guides you step by step through the detox process—daily assignments will include changes to your diet that will gradually cleanse the body safely and effectively as well as techniques to cleanse your environment and your lifestyle.
Shift gears toward the life and health of your dreams and sign up today!
Watch how easy it will be to truly manifest with your positive thoughts and watch your willpower soar as Donna Gates guides you step by step through the detox process—daily assignments will include changes to your diet that will gradually cleanse the body safely and effectively as well as techniques to cleanse your environment and your lifestyle.
Shift gears toward the life and health of your dreams and sign up today!
Stress Busters! Online Course - Six-Lesson Download
by Hay House
format: On Demand Stream or Download
isbn: - |
Synopsis »
In the midst of the joys of holiday season, many of us encounter a few unwelcome guests—stress, sadness, and/or emotional and physical exhaustion.
And, it’s no wonder! Many of us end up juggling a dizzying array of stresses—entertaining, family gatherings, baking, gift buying, busyness, pressures to pull it all off perfectly, and even the resurfacing of old memories and regrets. So much for peace and joy, right?
Now, in our new Stress Busters online series, six of the world’s most celebrated experts in stress management and mind-body wellness give you the tools you need to put an end to stress and burnout. Join Dr. Robert Holden, Dr. David Hamilton, Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz, John Parkin, Dr. Joan Borysenko, and Loretta LaRoche as they help you conquer all the components of stress—whether emotional, physical, and spiritual—so you can enjoy life and prosper both during this holiday season and throughout the year.
Over six illuminating lessons, you’ll learn:
• Ways to use stress to bring more joy and success into your life—yes, it’s really possible!
• How to replace anxiety with trust and worry with calm.
• The impact of stress on your health and how you can use your mind and intuition to improve your well-being.
• How to rise above family squabbles and stressful situations.
• What to do when old regrets or difficulties resurface.
• How to revive your hope, motivation, and energy in the midst of burnout.
• Ways to set boundaries and choose priorities so you don’t run yourself into the ground.
• How to tap into your inner optimist and laugh away stresses and problems.
• And much, much more!
Whether you want to overcome worry and anxiety, achieve new levels of healing, break free of habits that are keeping you stuck, or bring more peace and joy in to your life, this online series gives you the tools you need to conquer the inevitable stresses of life with ease and determination. Ultimately, you’ll walk away inspired and empowered with a variety of techniques to apply to your everyday life for years to come.
28 Days to Claim the Life You're Destined to Live - On Demand Course - Five-Lesson Download
by Colette Baron-Reid
format: On Demand Stream or Download
isbn: - |
Synopsis »
Download Colette Baron-Reid's complete 5-Lesson On Demand Course and turn your life around one day at a time!
Do you believe you have a destiny but are unsure what path to follow to achieve it? Are you longing for a loving relationship? Would you like to find more meaningful work? Are you able to picture the life you want, but seem to keep encountering blocks to achieving it?
In this transformational 28-day program, Colette takes you into a total immersion of the ultimate shift in consciousness so you can finally embrace your true destiny. Colette teaches you how to become the person who lives the life you want to live! Rather than directly experience our true realities, most of us get stuck by instead reacting to our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about our current circumstances. If you want your outside to change, you need to go within and become the change you want to see in the world. Your ultimate destiny is to be the love you want to attract, the powerful person who does the meaningful work, and the one who experiences prosperity. You can be who you were destined to be!
Over five enlightening lessons, Colette teaches you:
• The ultimate art of becoming the person who lives the life you really want.
• How to create and use a powerful, energetic map through an innovative process called IN-Vizion.®
• Vital tools to find and trust your inner compass.
• How to transform obstacles into powerful opportunities.
• Daily exercises and practical methods to help you maintain a connection to your ultimate destiny and purpose.
• How to engage the hidden language of Divine guidance to chart your course.
• And, much more!
Isn’t it time to finally make your dreams and hopes a reality? Claim your destiny of passion and purpose with Colette and make this your best year yet!
A Course In Miracles
by Marianne Williamson
Available formats: On Demand
isbn: -
Synopsis »
A Course in Miracles, the practical thought system that has facilitated millions of personal transformations across the world.
Listen in to Marianne Williamson's live lectures available exclusively in streaming video format through Hay House.