Dancer To The Drum by Beth Nielsen Chapman
Dancer To The Drum by Beth Nielsen Chapman
Fast asleep in the dawn of ages The soul of every child has waited to be born a stranger underneath the drum of his mother's heart
Lying deep in a dream of darkness where fear has never gone each spark of a life is started blind and pure to the world we come blind and pure to the world we come
Each of us a dancer to the drum each of us a dancer to the drum blind and pure we come
One is born into a life of hunger one will be a king or a rich man's son one will kill out of greed or anger one will give his life for another one
There are lies in the smiles of innocence There are blooms in walls of stone and we will see ourselves in the eyes of everyone we have ever known everyone we have ever known
And the heart, the heart will ever be a witness and precious time, no treasure is worth and the child, the child will carry our existence through the days that we have on earth
Each of us a dancer to the drum each of us a dancer to the drum Blind and pure we come
Fast asleep in the dawn of ages the soul of every child waited to be born a stranger born a dancer to the drum.

From the album You Hold The Key by Beth Nielsen Chapman

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